government policy / training program
The National Training Policy was issued in April 1996 through a set of Operational Guidelines for the development of the human resources of the Government. ... With the creation of the third tier of Government, the training of functionaries in the Panchayat and Municipal bodies has become a critical concern.
National Training Policy for the Power Sector of India Considering that the need for training has acquired critical importance in the context of the rapid technological changes as well as social transformation taking place in the country in general and power sector in particular, the Government feels that it is necessary to develop a dynamic training policy in consonance with the changing business context to achieve higher productivity and customer satisfaction. Accordingly, a Standing Committee on training was constituted to bring into focus, the need to step up training and human resource development, create an orientation of power sector personnel and stake holders towards the urgency and need for reforms and energy conservation as well as provide a standing join forum for coordination of training related matters in the power sector.
The said committee, held extensive deliberations and consultations and organized a National level seminar attended by the Chief Executive Officers and Heads of HRD of Central, State and Private Power utilities, academic institutions and Central/State Electricity Regulatory Commissions to draw up a comprehensive training policy.
Three Zonal meetings were also conducted at Bangalore, Nagpur and Guwahati to present the strategy and action plan before the power generators, distributors and other stakeholders for eliciting their views.
Model State Training Policy
1. Background
The National Training Policy was issued in April 1996 through a set of Operational Guidelines for the development of the human resources of the Government.
Subsequent to that there have been changes across the world in terms of, rapid economic growth, devolution of funds, functions and functionaries to the Panchayats and Municipalities, enhanced transparency through the right to information, globalization, climate change and extremism.
These have created a complex and challenging environment in which the civil service has to function today when there are increasing expectations of its performance and ability to respond more efficiently and effectively to the needs of the citizens.
Over this period, the Human Resource Management function has also undergone a significant change.
Today there is a greater importance attached to the management and development of the people.In order to transform the civil services, it is imperative to move to a strategic human resource management system, which would look at the individual as a vital resource to be valued, motivated, developed and enabled to achieve the mission and objectives of the organisation, be it the Centre or the State. It is essential to match individuals’ competencies with the jobs they have to do and bridge competency gaps for current and future roles through training.
National Training Policy 2012 was issued in January, 2012 which recommended that each state should formulate/adopt a training policy based on or similar to National Training Policy, so that there is a formal articulated framework within which training is conducted at thestate level.
2. Training Objectives
2.1 The objective of training will be to develop a professional, impartial and efficient civil service that is responsive to the needs of the citizens. In doing so, care will be taken to emphasize the development of proper ethics, commitment to work and empathy for the vulnerable sections.
The competency framework will be used to ensure that civil servants have the requisite knowledge, skills and attitude to effectively perform the functions they are entrusted with. The success of training will lie in actual improvement in the performance of civil servants.
3. Training Target
3.1 All civil servants shall be provided with training to equip them with the competencies for their current or future jobs. Such training will be imparted:(a) At the time of their entry into service, and (b) At appropriate intervals in the course of their careers.
Such training will be made available for all civil servants from the lowest level
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